Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Slowly, bit by bit, her heart and soul is being devoured,
by the wicked nature which slumbers deep within her.

Without realizing, she started to change, 
into something foreign, something new.

Slowly, she stopped believing in happy endings,
surely, her mind became more and more twisted.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Gore-rified my valentine~

Paint those blood roses black, for crimson it may be, it does not convey how dark love might be...

Pick some stars off the violet sky, engrave it deep into skin if both U and I, for it is said nothing last forever, at least now, it'll last as long as we do...

Pave the path with petals and thorns, bare feet, we shall walk down tat very path, leaving behind our bloody foot prints, fade in time it will, at least those scars we bare remains...

Friday, February 10, 2012

story (in progress) cont

...collecting her thoughts, she called out " there a..any..anyone ou..out there?" thinking tat someone might have entered the mansion by accident. But, there was no reply!! While the slow and steady footsteps still echos throughout the eerie silent. "h..hello?" Yukiwa tried to raise her voice, but her fear was greater, and her voice won't even echos within the room....

Monday, February 6, 2012

story (in progress)

in midst of a eerie silent, sound of steady footsteps can be heard, though it's faint, but still can be heard.
all alone in the mansion, yukiwa reached out to the light switch in her room. *flick*, still, total darkness.
she searched her drawers for the torchlight, it's nowhere to be found!!
panic, she grabbed her phone to call for help, but, none of her calls could get through!
she take a look at the screen, only to find tat there was totally zero signal....

little gray wolf

First, there came a little gray wolf.
wounded, it limped it's way to the small little cave..
Than, there was none..
A haunting howl echo through the cave and valley, 
but the little gray wolf was never found...