Thursday, November 29, 2018

I'm fine.

I'll say I'm fine till the day I die.
When people say I'm pretty, I say thanks with a slight bow and a smile on my face.
Being told I'm pretty, even hundreds and thousands of times, won't change the fact that I still feel ugly deep inside.

I'll say I'm fine till the day I die.
When people ask me how was my day, I reply it's great with a big bright smile.
Even though everyday is a struggle, no one needs to know, as no one could understand even if they knew.

I'll say I'm fine till the day I die.
Doll myself up from time to time, make myself feel beautiful even though it won't last.
Take picture of me when I'm at my best, so that I may look at it when I'm breaking apart, to remind me that I was beautiful once, to remind me how low I've fallen.

I'll say I'm fine till the day I die.
Trying hard to minimize contact with another people, so that when the time comes, no one will remember me.

I'll say I'm fine till the day I die.
No matter how many times I lie, a lie can never become the truth, and I can never be "fine" like how I was meant to.

Monday, November 19, 2018

A pretty face can't be sad, a big wide smile can't be depressed.
Stuck in a loop with no way out, maybe it's just my mind refusing to see the exit sign hanging so high up.

Never mind sunny future where soft breeze carrying smell of spring exists. Never mind the moon and stars shining brightly on a cloudless night.
Never mind the innocent smiles and laughter of children playing in the yard.
Never mind gossips and idle chats shared among friends on a girl's day out.

Bright side never liked me well, nor does life itself.
Never mind all the possibilities that future might hold.
A wish so simple yet rejected by the world.
A wish for sooner death, no explanation needed.